Fraydo The Dragon Club: The Podcast

Episode 102: Neighborhood News: The Knight's Dilemma

Courtney Spain Aragon Season 1 Episode 102

In this episode of Neighborhood News, Pee Wee The Dragon and Butterscotch ride out to The Royal Stables and bump into their friend Fraydo The Dragon -- who is hiding from The Baker!  The friends then go to The Royal Stable, where they speak to Sir Conrad The Knight about the upcoming Kingdom Games and the more delicate conversation around understanding our friends and when it is necessary to apologize.

So come on, let's jump into the imaginary world of The Kingdom of Aragon and catch up on The Kingdom's Neighborhood News!

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FTD Club Podcast: Neighborhood News:

Fraydo The Dragon Club presents Neighborhood News from The Kingdom of Aragon. Written and narrated by Courtney Spain Aragon, creator of Fraydo The Dragon Club and author of The Fraydo The Dragon Children's Story Series, a gold medal winner of The Mom's Choice Awards.

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Episode 102: The Knight's Dilemma:

Yo, this is Fraydo The Dragon Club: Neighborhood News from The Kingdom of Aragon, Episode 102,"The Knight's Dilemma". Oh wait, that's me. I'm The Knight! Get outta here! That's so great!

Author: Courtney Spain Aragon:

Hello, everyone. I'm Miss Courtney, your author and storyteller. In today's episode of Neighborhood News from The Kingdom of Aragon, Sir Conrad The Knight, PeeWee The Dragon and Fraydo The Dragon have questions about what makes a good friendship. So let's jump into the imaginary world of the Kingdom of Aragon now and hear all about what these friends discover. Oh, but wait. In order to jump into the story, you need your imagination hat. Do you have your imagination hat on right now? If not, put it on now! And let's jump into the story together on the count of three. Can you count with me? Ready? One! Two! Three! Here we go!

Pee Wee The Dragon:

La de da de da da da! La La La! You know, Butterscotch, isn't it great that I, Pee Wee The Dragon, am The Royal Messenger for The Kingdom of Aragon. What fun! Now, not only do I ... oh, excuse me....we get to deliver The Royal Mail to everyone in The Kingdom of Aragon, but we also get to visit with everyone in the different neighborhoods and hear their news. Today we're going to ride out to The Royal Stables and visit Sir Conrad The Knight. Whoa! What's wrong, Butterscotch? You see something big and green hiding behind that tree by the stables? Let's get a closer look. Hey, You! Come out here and show yourself!

Fraydo The Dragon:

Hey, Pee Wee! Oh, Hi Butterscotch.

Pee Wee The Dragon:

Fraydo The Dragon! What on The Kingdom's laurels are you doing? You scared Butterscotch!

Fraydo The Dragon:

Oh, gee! Well, I didn't mean to frighten anyone. It's just that... well....I'm hiding!

Pee Wee The Dragon:

Hiding from what?

Fraydo The Dragon:

Well, uh, The Baker!

Pee Wee The Dragon:

The Baker? Oh, no! What did you do now Fraydo The Dragon? Did you trip over something and break it because, well, I see you are not wearing your eye glasses. That could be a very big problem, you know.

Fraydo The Dragon:

Oh, gee, no. But I did lose my eye glasses when I sneezed!

Pee Wee The Dragon:

Fraydo, is this something The Queen is going to get very upset about? You're not exactly on her good side.

Fraydo The Dragon:

Well, Pee Wee, it's not really my fault. Gee. Seriously! I was just stopping by to see what Little Fire was doing.

Pee Wee The Dragon:

Oh, The Baker's Apprentice?

Fraydo The Dragon:

Yup! He was working on The Baker's oven. You know Old Brownie. Little Fire's the only one that can get that all oven to work. Anyway, while I was there, The Baker runs out of the shop with this steaming tray of biscuits. He was all excited about a new cheese biscuit that he had created.

Pee Wee The Dragon:

Oh, well. I know how you just love cheese biscuits.

Fraydo The Dragon:

Oh, yes. And pickles.

Pee Wee The Dragon:

Yeah, and pickles and pickles. So what happened?

Fraydo The Dragon:

Oh, gee. The Baker asked me to try the biscuits and, well, Little Fire was I think was trying to warn me off. He was waving his hands and shaking his head. And, well....I didn't want to be impolite.

Pee Wee The Dragon:

What happened?

Fraydo The Dragon:

Well, I ate a pawful. And before I knew it, my mouth, well, it felt like it was on fire. And my throat, well, it got all tickley. And I, uh...

Pee Wee The Dragon:

Oh, no!!! You sneezed!

Fraydo The Dragon:

I couldn't help it! The cheese biscuit wasn't what I expected at all. It was like eating a fiery inferno bowl of spice! I sneezed so hard that the flour satchels, well, they blew apart... oh my.. and the flour... well.. it went everywhere!

Pee Wee The Dragon:

Oh, no! Did you destroy The Bakery?

Fraydo The Dragon:

Oh, gee. It kinda looked like a big blizzard had just dumped a couple of inches of snow everywhere. I don't think The Bakery is hurt but there's... there's a lot of flour dust all over the place. Oh, and ... oh, gee when I left, Mr. Baker, Little Fire and Old Brownie, they all looked like snowmen.

Pee Wee The Dragon:

If I were you, I would hide too until The Baker cools off.

Fraydo The Dragon:

Oh, gee. I need to go back and apologize. But Pee Wee, I just got scared.

Pee Wee The Dragon:

Oh, Fraydo, that's okay. We all get scared. And after all, it was like an accident, you know. And I'm sure that The Baker will understand.

Fraydo The Dragon:

Oh, gee, I hope I didn't hurt his feelings about not liking his new cheese biscuit recipe. He said something like he was working very hard to create it to win Best Baker for something called The Kingdom Games.

Pee Wee The Dragon:

Oh, here we are at The Royal Kingdom Stables! Good job, Butterscotch! Oh, and there's Sir Conrad The Knight just coming out of the stable gate now.

Sir Conrad The Knight:

Yo! Hey, Fraydo The Dragon. Hey, Pee Wee. What's up? Hey, Butterscotch. Did you just say something, yo, about, the, you know, The Kingdom Games? Will you two also be competing?

Pee Wee The Dragon:

I'm not sure.

Fraydo The Dragon:

Oh, golly, Mr. Knight. Oh, gee, I don't think so.

Sir Conrad The Knight:

Well, uh, you know, certainly, uh, Fraydo The Dragon, you know, you'll be needing to compete for The Best Dragon you know, just like I'm competing for The Best Knight.

Fraydo The Dragon:

Oh, my! Best Dragon?

Pee Wee The Dragon:

What do you have to do in The Kingdom Games to get Best Knight, Sir Conrad?

Sir Conrad The Knight:

Yo! Well, let's see here. There's a few different things but like the one I'm having trouble with right now is practicing with the joust.

Fraydo The Dragon:

Oh, Gee, the joust is hard, isn'tit?

Sir Conrad The Knight:

Yeah, you know I think I could win it and no problem. But the thing is my horse, Bandit, won't practice. It just makes no sense to me.

Pee Wee The Dragon:


Fraydo The Dragon:

Have you asked Bandit why?

Sir Conrad The Knight:

What are you kidding me? Why would I ask Bandit? Besides, I like to joust so wouldn't Bandit like it to? Come on?

Fraydo The Dragon:

Well, Mr. Knight. Isn't jousting when two horses run full blast at one another while their riders, gee, they try to knock each other off with a really long pole?

Sir Conrad The Knight:

Yeah, yo, doesn't that sound great? Lots a fun, right?

Fraydo The Dragon:

Gee, Mr. Knight. Don't you think maybe... maybe Banit is scared.

Sir Conrad The Knight:

Scared! A Knight's horse that's scared? Get outta here! I never. Okay. Okay. All right. All right. I just thought that since Bandit and I were friends, you know, that Bandit would like but I do cuz, you know, would like everything I do because, you know, we're friends.

Pee Wee The Dragon:

Well, you can still be good friends and not have everything in common. Like me and Fraydo The Dragon.

Fraydo The Dragon:

Uh, Pee Wee, I thought we had everything in common.

Pee Wee The Dragon:

Well, Fraydo, you like to walk everywhere, and, well, I like to to ride Butterscotch!

Fraydo The Dragon:

Oh, I guess that is true.

Pee Wee The Dragon:

And ...and I'd like to talk to everyone in The Kingdom and well, you know, you're a little more shy.

Fraydo The Dragon:

Oh, oh, dear. I guess that is true too.

Pee Wee The Dragon:

So, you see, we can be different and we can still be good friends.

Sir Conrad The Knight:

Oh, you know, wait a second. Wait a second. Until now, you know, I thought Bandit and I had everything in common. And now, I'm not so sure we do, you know?

Fraydo The Dragon:

Well, gee, Mr. Knight. Oh, I need to go apologize to The Baker for something I did earlier today. I will be bringing some apples as a kind of like a, oh gee, a peace offering? Maybe that would work for you and Bandit?

Sir Conrad The Knight:

Yeah, yeah. Bandit the loves apples. I could give that a try.

Pee Wee The Dragon:

That's a good idea. And then just as Bandit about practicing for the joust.

Sir Conrad The Knight:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah! That's a good idea too! Ya know...thank you, Pee Wee and Fraydo The Dragon. Oh, yeah. And Butterscotch! I'll try...I'll try it out. Thanks a bunch. I will bring some apples to Bandit and find out why Bandit doesn't want to practice. Okay, see you later alligator, everybody.

Fraydo The Dragon:

Oh Gee. I had better get going too Pee Wee. well, I need to go help The Baker and Little Fire clean up my mess.

Pee Wee The Dragon:

Yeah, okay..okay. And hey, Fraydo? Find your eyeglasses while you're there. Okay?

Fraydo The Dragon:

Oh, gee....bye bye Pee Wee. Maybe I'll see you at the village fountain later?

Pee Wee The Dragon:

Okay. Bye Fraydo the Dragon! Butterscotch! Don't you think that was some exciting Neighborhood News? What an update. Okay, well, now I, Pee Wee The Dragon...oh, yeah....and Butterscotch..are off to collect more Neighborhood News within The Kingdom of Aragon. Tally Hoe, Butterscotch!

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Oh. And when you join Fraydo The Dragon Club, you will have access to every episode of both The Pen Pal Chronicles and Neighborhood News! All from The Kingdom of Aragon! Just have a parent help you go to -- that's F.R.A.Y.D.O The -- and sign up! Have Fun!

The End:

Good Bye. The End!

Little Fire Press Legal Statment:

Fraydo The Dragon and his Kingdom pals thank you for listening and supporting The Fraydo The Dragon Children's Story Series and Fraydo The Dragon Club. This has been a Little Fire Press Production. Copyright. All rights reserved in all mediums.

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